Tony Cacela
President + Founder
Tony Cacela is a proud father of 3, a Navy vet, a former hardhat diver, gold wing parachute jumper, ordnance admin and transporter, aboard ship “flying squad” firefighter, engineer, welder, hunter, forestry grad and forester, craftsman, and contractor. Having dug plenty of trenches and with years of other hands-on field work, and a real tool guy, he was motivated to solve the age-old problem of unnecessarily wasting energy and time using traditional hand digging/striking tools.
You had basically two choices: light and weak tools not up to getting much done, or heavy, awkward ones that were backbreakers to use.
In 2015 he founded the research and development company Camelot Tools LLC®, creating prototypes for the SiteMaster® series for his thoughtful, modern/updated hand tool designs, with the most optimized metals and treatments of steel—for light, strong, versatile, year-round performance.
Having some firefighting and Controlled Burns in his background, he called on all of his experience, skills, and consulting resources for the most modern metallurgy and manufacturing engineering to design and create the best, most effective, most streamlined and useful Wildland Firefighting tool. Camelot Tools continues to work to improve—gathering the most meaningful feedback over the years—direct from the front lines. Demo’d by forest firefighters around the country for over three years, their feedback was carefully incorporated into SiteMaster 1.
Vetted and valued, professional grade, case-hardened SiteMaster is now used by wildland firefighters –and trailbuilders--across the country.
Camelot Tools is a federal vendor and is statewide contracted. The US Forest Service has selected SiteMaster for their evaluation.